30 May

Start: Lost Creek, MT

End: Salmon, ID

Miles: 52.6 mi

Elevation: 2,260 ft

Today’s ride was setup by the extra push to Lost Creek.  Lost Creek pass is 2000ft  plus of climbing.  I climb better with fresh legs.

With the rain last night and the camp being at the bottom of a narrow valley, it took till 9 am for the sun to arrived.  There was a lot of drying out to do, as in tent, tentfly  and tarp.  This meant a late start of 10:45 am.  Not good for the amount of distance planned for the day, but that is the deal.

6 miles in 2 hours!  I brought a mountain bike for this very reason.  I can spin at 3.8 mph without killing my legs, it just takes a long time.  I keeping repeating to myself, “just keep moving, just keep moving and you get somewhere." 😁

At the top of the pass, I talked to a gentleman from Boulder CO (small world) named John.  He was all set to do the TransAmerica bicycle trail.  He had the bike, gear and training down.  He was ready to go, but then a Dr told him “Nope, the bike ride is not for you.”  John was instead golfing his way across the west, driving  in a car with his wife, the TransAmerican route, supporting any bike rider he came across.  It was a good example of resilience in the face of adversity.  We had a great conversation about biking!  Also John is a Denver Nugget fan like I am, so I also got to talk Nuggets with him.  Glorious.😁

The ride down the pass was fun.  It was good to get the miles pilling up with little work.  

When I came upon the Salmon River again, i thought, man I went a long ways to only come up river 50 - 60 miles.  Defeating at bit, but made me smile.

I arrived in the town of Salmon Idaho.  The town is beautiful, lots of opportunity to kayak and raft in the city park.  And with the big Mountains in the distance, I could live here and be happy!   (There are so many great small towns along this route, with a good spirit about them.)

After dinner I am going to crash hard tonight.  It was a long day of riding, 5 hrs active peddling over 8 hours of travel time .  

Good news, Miami Heat will play the Nuggets!  Hahahah,

Tomorrow is a planned 40 mile day.  I need a shorter day.

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