04 May

Miles Traveled: 53.22 miles

Elevation Gained: 1,588 ft

A good chilly day to ride. All day 52 degrees and overcast. But what pretty scenery on hwy 36. I started out at Swisshome OR and ending in Eugene OR

Today was beautiful trees filled with yellow green moss, and for a Colorado-an the trees are huge and so tall.  Tall trees everywhere. 

Also there are apple, plum and tulip trees in bloom. One of my favorite smells are apple and plum blossoms.

At Mile 18 I was planning on getting food from a small market.  Nope no markets or cafes open anywhere.  I had rice bars fruit leather and almonds on my bike that sustained me till I got to Eugene. 

It is a strange feeling to be so far from home and only have a bicycle to get home. So many miles, one cant think about it, just keep moving. 

A lot of the ride today the road had no shoulder. However Oregonians have to be the nicest, curtious drivers with regards to bikes.  I never got squeezed.  But then i also ride as far the right as safely possible.

Anyway, it is great to be done for the day.  I am tired and looking forward to a short day tomorrow.  I am not in good enough shape yet to stack 50 mile days together yet.  I will get there however.

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