27 May

Start: Lolo MT

End: Hamilton MT

Distance: 37.55 miles

Elevation: 531

Today’s ride was a short one, due to rain. But raining and getting rained on are two different things. 😁

I left out of Lolo this morning with clouds hanging low on the mountains on both sides of the valley. I am in the Bitterroot mountains therefore everything is named Bitterroot State bank, Bitterroot Ford, Bitterroot grocer. With the Bitterroot mountains as pretty as they are, I would be naming everything after them also. 😁

The path was besides highway 93, which was nice for hwy 93 is one busy road. It is great to not have cars and trucks blasting close by. 

The sun came out a bit and the miles were ticking along nicely for ride today is only slightly up hill. 

Not many pictures today, yet the scenery is still beautiful and peaceful. 

I had a quick lunch in Victor MT and I was off again. The rain clouds were cresting the mountains on the west and were dark. I decided I had enough of being rained on so I pulled up short in Hamilton MT after riding 37.55 miles. 

It was nice to pull in to town early!

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