25 May

Start: Lochsa Lodge

End: Lolo MT

Distance: 46.36 miles

Elevation: 2575 ft

Today’s challenge is to get over Lolo pass.  The pre-ride thought was suffer the first 2-3 hours  to ride 13 miles to get to the top of Lolo pass 5200 feet altitude.  Then enjoy the payoff of previous day’s climbs to have an easy down hill ride all the way into Lolo.

Riding up Lolo pass was hard and took a while. Weather was nice, enjoyable.  It was just a lot of work peddling slowing up the hill.  I have forgot to mention, I have been riding without music because I need to save power on my phone.  My phone has my map app.  I do not have paper maps.  If my phone dies or loses power, results will not be good. SO NO music, only thought rattling around in my head.  

I reach the top of Lolo and all is good.  I rest a few minutes, then head down.  But a problem arises, a headwind. Instead of cruising to Lolo, I have to work to average 10 miles per hour. The cruising turned to cursing quickly. It was going to be a long afternoon. 

I arrived in Lolo, tired but I have arrived.

I am happy to have crossed from Kooskia to Lolo and back to having cell service, so my family can track me.  

Rest day tomorrow.

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