13 May

Distance:  28.74 miles

Elevation: 2,251 ft

Start: John Day

End: Austin Junction

It was good to take a rest day in John Day the town. Things named John Day, river, town, fossil beds, fault line, banks, and restaurants. 

Started out under sunny skies that stayed sunny all day! It was beautiful. Today was going to be a short day, for lodging and food after Austin Junction did not exist for a stretch of 30 miles.

The river valley was wide and green. Lots of cool old barns still at the ranches. At mile 17 the climb up Dixie pass started and would top out at mile 22. A good climb and over look from the valley floor. The Strawberry mountains were to the south all day full of bright new snow from the storm first of the week.

The hard part of the ride was over. All down hill until Austin Junction where I will leave HYW 26 after several days.

I am tent camping behind the store/restaurant with two camp dogs. Maverick a corgi, and Koda a sweet yellow lab. 

I have made sight of two other bike riders! Karl from Philadelphia, and Randy from the Midwest. They are also camping behind the store. 

All is good. Tomorrow’s goal is Baker City OR a good 50 miles away. Water is going to be challenging, but I am hoping for something will pop up where water can be had.

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