08 Aug

Start: Hancock MD

End: Bolivar WV

Distance: 66.61 miles

Elevation: 207 ft

I left Hancock after taking a picture of at Stephen’s church which played a role in the civil war, being a field hospital. 

I pass by more locks and aqueducts, they still are fascinating to me.  I take more pictures of them 

To assist bringing the boats up the canal 5 dams were built on the Potomac forming lakes that are used these days for recreation of power boats, good stuff.

The pathway for a couple of miles  is right on the rivers edge. It is beautiful riding.

In total I ride all the way 66 miles because I was hungry!! I had skipped lunch and was wanting dinner. The tow path was on the east side of the river and harpers ferry was on the west side. Problem is there are several flights of steps to haul my loaded bike up. Great I sarcastically thought, and started in fighting my bike up the stairs. People passing me smirked at me being an idiot. Haha, I just wanted to get the work done!!

I get to explore Harpers Ferry tomorrow for my rest day.

I am 60 miles from Washington DC!

Friday I will ride my final day.

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