01 Aug

Start: Galena OH

End: Walnut Creek OH

Distance: 82.06 miles

Elevation: 1883 ft

I camped last night. The heat and humidity did not make for much sleep. No more camping. Argh.

Awake in the dark to break down camp and pack bike. Off riding as the sun came up. It is pretty and peaceful starting out. I usually take the first hour warming up. I just sit and spin at whatever pace feels good. I do not try and push it, for the pace will evolve for the day. I also try to find enjoyment with the ride for the first miles it is hard to envision the end of day so best to find enjoyment around as you ride. 

Todays rise was on the Ohio to Erie pathway heading northeast. The pathway is a tunnel of green. I see deer, rabbits and critters a lot. Also a bright red birds aplenty. Cool stuff.

At mile 40 I stop in Danville for breakfast and I see my first Amish electric bike riders. I will see a bunch more later in the day. Dozens more.

Off road bike pathways come to and end at mile 63 and it is back to roads hills and vehicles.  The next 20 miles we’re going to be hard. 

I am also riding Holmes County paths which means bikes ride on the left for Amish buggies and borses ride in the left.  It is my first encounter with Amish buggies. It is so cool.

Temps got up to 89 with above 94% humidity. It was hot.

I pull onto the road where my destination is. “Turn left .5 miles to go” all uphill!!What a way to end the day. A .5 climb to end on. What a day!!!

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