11 Jul

Start: Whiting KS

End: Platte City MO

Distance: 58.89 miles

Elevation: 2133 ft

Staying in Dean’s Guest house in Whiting was awesome! Breakfast was at a dinner right next door. The conversation at this small dinner was so fun. One dude walked in and had his regular breakfast, a double cheeseburger! Haha, truck drivers. He hauled hay locally. Man I do like rural Kansas and the people who live there. Very nice caring people.

I took off early but not early enough. I knew I was going to get the heat in the afternoon. I rode 30 miles to Atchison KS and wanted to end the day there. I wanted that to be the day so badly. It was one of those days where I just felt lazy and lethargic. 

I was all set to end, even Megan my logistics manager could not talk me out of ending. It was only 10 am. The turning point was getting large cold drink down, two homemade chocolate chip cookies eaten and knowing I would be unhappy with myself all day long. So I iced up and left for Missouri.

I crossed the Amelia Earhart Bridge over the Missouri River. I am in Missouri!

Some changes, less farming fields more industrial, but I am on the periphery of Kansas City. 

I ride on and the Heat keeps rising. The scenery is cool old buildings still. Mostly dilapidated, but full of character from the buildings productive days. 

It is now 1 pm, I am pouring as much water on me as I am drinking. My biking clothes are soaked. I am paying for not starting earlier. Argh. 

The sharp hills in Platte City knock me out! The hills are not problem in a car but on a bike lowest gear wins. 

I am glad to have this day done, and glad I rode the full distance of the days goal.

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