10 Jul

Start: Belleville KS 

End: Blue Rapids KS

Distance: 60.02 miles

Elevation: 1211 ft

A beautiful day to ride. The temps were cool, no wind and road was smooth.

I pedaled through more greenery, but valleys are becoming filled with more trees and forests. I continue to fawn over the cool little towns along the way, lunch at the town of Washington KS was great. 

The town of Waterville had the historic Weaver Hotel and train station.  Each town is charming. I love it. Kansas has been great so far. I should have two more days before I hit MO. 

Tonight I am  camping in Blue Rapids KS at the city park. I cooled  off in the town pool and set up the tent for the night. I am looking forward to sleeping under the stars.  (No rain fly)

Tomorrow needs to be an early start due to heat in late afternoon. I will have to get better at early starts. Breakfast is 30miles down the road. That should help motivate me to leave early.

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