05 Jul

Start: Imperial, NE

End: McCook, NE

Distance: 69.04 miles

Elevation: 374 ft

I left Imperial early, 7am.  It is a good start to the day.  Temps were nice in the mid 60s.  Problem, only place for food was gas station breakfast materials.  The grocery store was closed with today being the 4th of July.  (Happy July 4th!)Stores, restaurants being closed due to a holiday would be common in all of the small towns along the route.  

Today’s ride was going to be straight forward, ride bike, get to McCook as soon as possible.  Temps were to get into low 90s  and thunderstorms would be possible starting 3pm today.

Topography was largely flat with a few hills.  The hard climbing was left back in the Rocky Mountains. :-). I went through several small towns of Wauneta, Culbertson etc.. There were old houses next to great public swimming pools, and lots of cornfields and grain elevators.  It was pretty and still green with tall weeds along the roadway. 

Today there were 20 miles of bliss, new pavement with ample shoulder room, cloud cover to keep temps down, and a TAIL wind.  Ahhh, good stuff.  

In the town of Culbertson, there was a beautiful cemetery flying American flags that was stunning.  Fourth of July is such a great celebration.  

When I arrived at my endpoint temps were high and riding was hot.  With severe thunderstorms in the forecast a room with AC is the ticket!  :-)

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