03 Jul

Start: Holyoke, CO

End: Imperial, NE

Distance: 37.49 Mi

Elevation: 59ft

I have been off of bike for 10 days to attend a family reunion in Gunnison CO.  It was time well spent with my family. It was a great experience of swimming, playing games, and skits. My niece Kennen and I were co-champs of corn hole.  Kennen got hot throwing the bean bags and powered us on!  It was a fun time.

Back to riding!  Ellen, my wife hauled me back out to eastern CO where I left off in Holyoke CO.

It was a good day to ride, sort of warm but good weather.  I rode by corn fields that were stripped of foliage due to hail storm some days before.  Farming, tough stuff.

More long vistas of green fields and wheat getting close to harvest.  

Today, I left CO and entered NE!

I arrived early into Imperial NE for a short day.  By now I have learned a few things, after resting, it is wise to not push the pace and distance, hence 37.5 miles even on flat ground. 

Overall, it is good to be back on the bike and moving east.

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