21 Jun

Start: Crow Valley Campground 

End: Sterling CO

Distance: 64.52 miles

Elevation: 2546 ft

What a day!  I woke up to low clouds and overcast skies, which was unexpected.  I started breaking down camp and saw that it was to rain starting at 8am.  I packed up in record time of 1 hour and was on the road.  I had 60+ miles to go today for there were no camping or lodging options till Sterling 60 miles away.

Day was humid with a cross/head wind all morning, but the prairie was beautiful, sunflowers and some cactus flowers, but certainly very green.  Wheat fields were starting to change color, harvest time is a few weeks away.  Even with some wind grasslands are so peaceful and serene.  But…..

I pass by a car and the driver yells “Be careful, big weather tonight!” I tell him thanks in return.  I knew it was going to rain starting at 2 pm.  My estimated arrival time was 3pm.

About 20 miles out I started getting strong head winds in the 20mph + range.  I was working to travel 7mph down hill.  With a tall storm cell to the north of me I thought it was causing all of the problems.  I did not know there was another storm cell to the south I could not see.

I had to work hard to get into Sterling, wind was strong as it started raining and lightning.  Oh, great. I pull into a restaurant to have dinner and let the storm pass on.  Weather just keeps getting worse, and then I get the tornado warning alert on my phone.  Uh oh, time to get the last 4 miles done quickly. 

I arrive at hotel and get checked in.  Then guests are told Tornado is in the area and all guests are asked to gather in the middle of the building. No drill.  Storm then rock-n-rolled for a bit and emergency crews checked in on the hotel.  Exciting. Rain comes down hard for quite awhile then storm moves on.

Right now I am back in my own room but there is no power.  I guess it is time to call it a day and sleep in prep for tomorrow, but what a day!

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