21 Jun

Start: Ft Collins CO

End:  Briggsdale CO

Distance:  47.57 miles 

Elevation: 991 ft

Ft Collins was a good rest day location.  My wife and I celebrated her birthday Sunday night, and I had dinner (HOMEMADE Lasagne!!) with my motorcycling compadres Monday night.

Left out of Ft Collins on the Poudre River trail and met up with one of my motorcycling friends, Shane who would ride with me to Ault where we had lunch.  The 20 miles to Ault flew by.  It was good to have a riding companion even if for a few miles.  

After lunch in Ault, Shane headed back to his truck and I headed east on HWY 14.  The area is so different from where I had been riding the past weeks.  Out on to the prairie of Pawnee Grasslands.  It is pretty. Lots of Farms and I even got to see a plane spraying a field.  Where I grew up in Erie CO the I would watch a biplane spraying the vegetable fields next to our home with fertilizer .  Watching the plane fly so low over the field then climb quickly to avoid power lines was mesmerizing to me.  It still is all of these years later, mesmerizing to watch the plane dive down do their thing then climb up to turn around to make another pass.

Riding out here is great, no hills, no wind (today) and sunny.  I made good time averaging close to 12 MPH, sweet.

I set up camp in Crow Valley Campground just outside of Briggsdale in the cottonwood trees.

Tomorrows Goal is Sterling CO 60 miles away.

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