19 Jun

Start: Sportsman RV Park

End: FT Collins

Distance: 60.60 miles

Elevation: 892 ft

Elevation Descent: 3,494 ft

Today was going to be a good day, I was meeting my wife Ellen, tonight in FT Collins to Celebrate her birthday.  Additionally, it would also be the one year anniversary of my heart attack.

Sun, in the morning, a wind heading down the canyon, 3500 ft of elevation loss.  Together, recipe for a good ride.

I headed out for Rustic where there was breakfast at the Glen Echo Lodge.  First 18 miles flew by in 45 mins, fantastic.

After feeding, off again.  In the front of the restaurant I see two more touring riders.  I see that each are carrying 2 times the panniers and packs that I carry.  I don’t know what extra gear they have that I don’t have, but my load is not the same as theirs.  I suffer with the weight I have.  There are tougher people than I out there is what I know.

Poudre Canyon is long, and I want to get out of the canyon before noon when traffic will get bad and people get annoyed with the long drive.  I don’t take many pictures because I rarely stop, descent and tail wind, ah so good.  

I passed by the rafters and fly fishing people, their activities have me envious of them.  Poudre Canyon and Poudre river are beautiful, I am enjoying my surroundings immensely.  My sense of contentment is large while coasting down the road.

I am at Ted’s Place at the intersection of Hwy 14 and HWY 287 by noon, having a celebratory soda and candy bar.  10 more miles to the hotel. 

The rest of the ride is mainly on Overland Trail road and bike paths of Spring Creek and Fossil Ridge.

The ride is 60 miles in record time for me.  I don’t think riding wise it will every be eclipsed.  A great Father’s Day ended by talking with my kids and having a birthday Dinner with Ellen.

Tomorrow is a rest day and dinner with motorcycle friends/family before heading out through eastern Colorado.

 I am happy to be leaving the mountains behind.  The long climbs are okay.  The scenery is memorable, but the cold rain, gray skies, I will be glad to leave.  I know I will be in warm temps during the coming weeks and looking back fondly (maybe) of the crisp nights working to stay warm during the cold nights, but for now warmer will be good.  

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