13 Jun

Start: Rawlins, WY

End: Saratoga, WY

Distance: 43.84 miles

Elevation: 1289 ft

Expectation for the ride today was to be a simple ride, 21 more miles of I-80 riding and off to the south to Saratoga WY.  I was looking forward to leave I-80 behind. 

When Riding on I-80 I took every off ramp for truck parking, ranch roads, any exit where I could get off of I-80. It is still strange to navigate interstate on and off ramps on a bicycle, you know something is wrong merging onto an interstate, but you do it anyway.  After 2+ days of it you still do not get used to it.  

Today’s exit was to Sinclar, a company town for decades, all the way back to 1928  when ground was broken to build the refinery.  There are 1940s{?} style buildings such as the PARCO inn that have interesting architecture.  I have driven by the town many times without stopping.  I was glad to have passed through.  Plus the refinery is huge.

Finally the exit 235 arrived for Saratoga.  Yes, off of I-80.  I did not realize the extent  of the stress riding on the interstate.  So many trucks roar past, so noisy.  However, I can now tell by the sound which trucks are Kenworths, Peterbuilts or other.  The old classic Peterbuilts are LOUD, but look cool. Also noisy are the diesel pickups pulling RV trailers. 🙂

On the road to Saratoga, I was able to smell the sage brush again and enjoy the views.  Elk Mountain was cloud covered but so pretty.  Wyoming in good weather  alluring to me. In good weather. 

Afternoon dark clouds moved in again, and rained but only after i had eaten and settled in for the night in a sweet hotel room (Sage Inn, good place).

Tomorrow is going to be a rest day for there will be 3 big days of 50 miles and elevation gain coming up.

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