06 Jun

It was good to have a rest day in RexBurg ID, but it was time to get moving again.  Today's goal is to get 40+ miles to somewhere in Swan Valley.  

Start: Rexburg, ID

End: Irwin, ID

Distance: 46.67 miles

Elevation: 1,266ft

Today's path took me on small rural roads towards the Snake River.  Hay fields, newborn colts and calves were the order for he pretty sunny morning.  The miles rolled along without much care.  I have found that an easy first hour of pedaling helps the legs wake up from a day of resting.  Otherwise the legs rebel and won't perform well through out the day..  

The path narrows to a dirt road next to canals and the snake river.  I like seeing the water infrastructure moving water about the valley to provide for the farmer's needs.  

I finally make it to hwy 26 heading into Swan Valley.  I am feeling strong and enjoying the ride.  I am looking forward to close friend Jon and his kids meeting me this evening and the excitement of the meeting makes the pedaling go easy.  

Up ahead, the afternoon rain storm is waiting for me per usual each day it seems.  It starts raining and I just ride on hoping to punch through to the other side of the storm.  After 5 miles I pull into the town of Swan lake and find the gas station/food store.  Everyone else is buying ice cream and wearing shorts.  I am buying hot chocolate and wearing a jacket.  I am so tired of the rain.  :-).  

I pedal on for some more miles when I see a white motor home pass by and pull into a parking lot 1/2 mile ahead.  YESSSSS it is Jon and his family, holding signs.  It is so cool to see them way out here.  I am wearing a big grin, I am so happy to see friendly faces.  

We load the bike into the motor home and set off to find a campsite for the night.  We find a good spot along the Snake River at Palisades Campground.  

We have a campfire for smores after a dinner of chicken quesadillas.  A great night and such a pleasure to visit with Jon and kids. We ended the night playing cards. The end to a great day.

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