08 Aug

Start: Harpers Ferry WV

End: Gravely Point, Washington DC

Distance: 65.51 miles

Elevation: 207 ft

Today is the final day of my adventure!I get a good start to the morning, anticipating a easy ride with beautiful weather and scenery to go.

I ride by the Harpers Ferry Fire house where John Brown made is famous stand.

I walk my bike over the Potomac River  and walk my bike down the stairs. I worry about going down the stairs for I feel I am worrying to much about getting hurt. I don’t like that feeling when too much bandwidth is spent thinking about possible injuries.

I am back on the path and I am see a lots of deer. I also see a mink and muskrats along with many turtles. 

I come to Whites Ferry to get a cold drink and I notice the marks depicting the height of the flood waters in past years,  on the second story of the building!

Riding on, I click through 30 miles then 40 miles. Wow, getting close to the end. I come to Great Falls, the Potomac George is amazing. 

I ride on towards the end and come the transition point of remote path to city path. The end point is going to be Gravelly Point where I will meet family and friends.

After some wrong turns I cross over Potomac in Key Bridge and boom I see my daughters Heather Megan and Rebecca! Grandson Kole!! AWESOME!! They rented city bikes at the end point and rode about 4 miles up to the bridge to meet me. I got to ride the last few miles with them!

Then I get to see some friends Seth and AJ Fowers from Colorado now living in Washington DC.  It is great!! 

My ride is done, I place the front tire of my bike into the tidal water, and officially determine my ride is done. I feel great about the ride being over and marvel at the distance travel on a bike under my own power. It is a sweet feeling and it seemed impossible when I pushed off in Oregon so long ago. 

Physically I feel strong, body parts are okay with some issues, but overall no complaints. Emotionally I am spent. I am tired with not much reserves left. I was relieved to have my bike function with no problems at all since WY. I did not have energy to fight bike problems if they did arise.

I am glad the ride is over for I found my thoughts becoming too defensive in my riding. Too concerned about wrecking, too many negative thoughts on injuries. Not a good way to ride.

Overall I loved the ride, it was such an engaging event. The scenery across the country disappointed and weather never failed to be interesting. It was a difficult trip but worth it.

Thanks for following along.

I will write summary and stats in a few days.


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